Registre de canvis de nano

Res, que hauré d'instaŀlar-me el nano:
root@nou:~# aptitude changelog nano | head -n 10
Obté: El registre de canvis de nano
nano (8.3-1) unstable; urgency=medium
* The "Mazón dimissió" release.
* New upstream release.
* Sync debian/nanorc with upstream nanorc.sample.
-- Jordi Mallach Mon, 06 Jan 2025 19:08:18 +0100
nano (8.2-1) unstable; urgency=medium
El Jordi Mallach és un crack.
Per si no ho teníeu clar, ací les teniu totes.
root@nou:~# aptitude changelog nano | grep The | grep release.
The "Mazón dimissió" release.
The "La Regata de Jaume" release.
The "Hem sigut feliços, 🐵" release.
The "Gaza" release.
The "Pellets" release.
The "Blue checkmark" release.
The "Home Petrov, si soc jo!" release.
The "Cent anys de Joan Fuster" release.
The "Explicaciones, ¿de qué? Jajaja" release.
The "Duque de Feria" release.
The "Priviet" release.
The "Remolacha" release.
The "Emérito" release.
The "Miquel Grau" release.
The "Oficina del Español" release.
The "mallorquín, menorquín, ibicenco y formenterés" release.
The "Más vale malo conocido" release.
The "Ni oblit ni perdó" release.
The "No a l'ampliació del port" release.
The "Bueno, de verdad, hasta luego, paso" release.
The "M." release.
The "Isabel Zendal Warehouse" release.
The "Nou d’Octubre" release.
The "Rastreadores voluntarios" release.
The "Operación Bicho" release.
The "Herd Immunity" release.
The "Cantó i el concepte de la sort" release.
The "" release.
The "" release.
The "SIT AND TALK" release.
The "Glòria" release.
The "#MaiPAI" release.
The "Tren Gandia-Dénia" release.
The "Paco’s Unboxing" release.
The "Forn de Barraca" release.
The "Carola" release.
The "Assange" release.
The "Alberto Carlos" release.
The "Open Arms" release.
The "#JoAcuso" release.
The "La banca siempre gana" release.
The "Nano maintainer uses Changelog to make political claims" release.
The "Albert's Shrinking CV" release.
The "Un Montón de Másters of the Univers(ity)" release.
The "Razan al-Najjar" release.
The "Well, we can't put all these people in jail" release.
The "No es abuso, es violación" release.
The "Máster del Cifuverso" release.
The "11M" release.
The "#8M" release.
The "Doctrina Botín" release.
The "AP-6" release.
The "Groc" release.
The "155" release.
The "No tinc por no / tengo miedo" release.
The "Operació Catalunya" release.
The "Cloacas de Interior" release.
The "Tarjetas Black" release.
The "Amnistía Fiscal" release.
The "Susana Presidenta" release.
The "Canal de Isabel II" release.
The "Esperanza" release.
The "Carrero Blanco Flight Simulator" release.
The "doctor Carles & Fallarela" release... 🙄
The "Yak-42" release.
The "Gran Vía" release.
The """Alcaldesa de España""" release.
The "Por imperativo, abstención" release.
The "Banco Mundial" release.
The "61,341€ Scalextric" release.
The "Nobody expects a Spanish Government" release.
The "Disfruten lo votado" release.
The "Hospital Provincial de Castelló" release.
The "Grup Popular - Ajuntament de València" release.
The "Feria Valencia" release.
The "Taula" release.
The "Imelsa" release.
The "Nóos" release.
The "Ciegsa" release.
The "Aldeanos" release.
The "Acord del Botànic" release.
The "Carrer dels ‘2 milions de peles’" release.
The "Degeim passar el fred del verano" release.
The "Presó d'Aranjuez" release.
The "Él no está, soy su hermano" release.
The "Gürtel" release.
The "… a Picassent!" release.
The "Què vol que li diga? Que vosté és una sinvergüensa?" release.
The "Teulada" release.
The "905€" release.
The "Polop" release.
The "Cabanyal" release.
The "Don Carlos" release.
The "Televisió Sense Fronteres" release.
The "Molt Poc Honorable" release.
The "Ferraris" release.
The "Caja Madrid" release.
The "Ric Costa" release.
The "Socialistes Valencians" release.
The "Una pastuqui importante" release.
The "Yo me pago mis trajes" release.
The "Professor-traductor" release.
The "Il quarto ponte sul Canal Grande" release.
The "Valencia, tenemos la fórmula" release.
The "Benitatxell" release.
The "43 morts + 47 ferits = 0 responsables" release.
The "Volem TV3" release.
The "Ja en teniem prou?" release.
The "Ja en tenim prou" release.
The "Gente con tantos méritos" release.
The "Pelotazo C. F." release.
The "Subestació de Patraix fora!" release.
The "Compromís pel País Valencià" release.
The "Xúquer Viu" release.
The "La Regata de Rita" release.
The "Catrals per tot arreu" release.
The "Sense pacte, perdem el País" release.
The "Fundación Agua y Progreso" release.
The "Jo no t'espere" release.
The "Quiebra Mítica" release.
The "Marina d'Or" release.
The "Marbella, ciudad hermanada con Benidorm" release.
The "Camps de Golf" release.
The "Pla i Curtet" release.
The "Comprad, comprad, malditos!" release.
The "I fear I'll freeze in Montréal" release.
The "They have no night in Finland!" release.
The "They have no Summer in London" release.
The "5 tries weren't enough" release.
The "Last minute changes!" release.
The "tbm will be annoying me again in little more than a week" release.
The "Good bye, Pico" release.
The "I suck" release.
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